Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sewing machine cover

I made a sewing machine cover! It is from a tutoril online I promise I will link to it soon! (Currently posting via my phone).
Anyway, i had seen the tutorial a long time ago, finally a few months ago i printed it and today i got the chance to sew it! I spent the afternoon today looking through all my sewing stuff and trying to sort it a little. (Mainly dreaming about projects).
I also finished a project from a long time ago... it was a dress i think or shirt that i cut the top off years ago. I made a sash and made it into an apron. Not that i need any more aprons, but they fun.
Also i cut a few triangle squares for a future quilt(?). Basically most of my fabric is in small amounts, a lot just scraps. Quilts are one way to use it up, also rag rugs and the like. I have some pieces maybe 2 yards or so of nicer stuff but i need to find the right patterns for them.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Holiday Making

Every year I hope/try to make gifts for family and friends. For many years I have made a Christmas print, usually cat themed. (I of course have not yet figured out this years print.)
Some years I have more sucess. Often I have too many ideas and they do not all get finished. Here are some fingerless mitts for my friend. I also have a knitting project started, embroidery project started and some ornaments in the future. There are some people of course I will buy things for. But I do love making presents and also trying to be resourceful. Currently I am trying to use yarn and fabric I already have, only buying new stuff if I need something specific to finish something.
Speaking of using things up... I am losing my sewing studio space soon. Honestly the amount of hours I spent there is probably not a lot over the last year or so. Life has been busy and I prefer to do handwork at home if I can. But, it was an amazing floorspace. I finished 2 quilts in that space and did some other smaller projects and day dreamed about being better at sewing. I do need to sort through everything and see what I can pass on to people/use up. Also I do not know where my furniture will go.
There is change once again in the air and I just have to trust that things will turn out well. Mike's studio will either move soon or be put in storage for a while... we just have to be grateful for the time we had and be more creative/ save up for paying rent somewhere else.
Anyway, I have to get back to crafting or I will never finish!
PS: Here is a photo from our beach trip.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Generally the last few years I have used my printmaking cutting tool for lino-cuts to carve my pumpkin. This year I got two baby pumpkins and used regular kitchen knives etc. Mike's pumpkin was bigger. I think this year we just feel it has been so busy so we went with somewhat simpler designs. Very cool to see them all lit up.

More Hats!

 Another hat and I am also working on a purple one in acrylic. This blue one is from some handspun I bought on our honeymoon.
Also some fingerless mitts I finished. I had started the first one probably last year and then  realized I was halfway done, why not just make the 2nd one? I love them and used them primarily for driving to work in the mornings.

Hopefully before too long I will post about our pumpkins and about the wool quilt I finished.
oh and I finished the kid mittens!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Little hats & general October update

I started knitting short-row hats to keep in my purse/knit at lunch. I have finished two and it's a pretty simple pattern and fun. The first one I did not wrap the shortrows, the second one I did and I prefer the wrapped style. I am making them for kids in my life though I'm not sure yet what size I have made. They will grow into them eventually :0)

Other news (if you can call it news):
- I bought a pumpkin (small and cute)
- I saw a pheasant in our backyard! Wish I could have gotten a picture.
- I am working on the other wool quilt for our bed. I am almost done patching it and then i will post more photos.
- I have done some mending/thinking about altering clothes. Slowly but surely. Modernizing the neckline of a blue and white floral dress that was high-necked buttondown. Trying to reinvent a dress to a shirt.
- I may be a penguin for halloween, but I am not sure yet.
- I have also been trying to cook more & learning about avoiding food allergins. (Dairy, eggs, corn, wheat...)
- I am really hoping my tomatos will keep ripening. I have some inside and others on the vine to catch whatever sun they can.

Quilt in progress

The current denim and wool quilt, which is a birthday/christmas present. I bought dark teal wool for the back, which I think will make it amazing. I often back denim quilts with poly-fleece but it is nice to make it higher-quality/it just feels so much nicer. One of my green fabrics was stretchy and it drove me a little crazy. I generally just do the best I can and move on unless it is way off and I actually need to rip it apart and re sew it.  

Hopefully I can work on backing it soon... it will be a long way around and I generally hand sew it for some reason. :) I guess first I need to iron it and make sure to pull all the strings to the backside. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Wedding Pillowcases: Bear vs Llama

Well, Here are some pillowcases I made for a friend's wedding. Pretty fun!
I generally hand embroider, but had decided less than a week before the wedding to make them, so I tried embroidering?drawing by machine. I think they turned out pretty cool! The main thing I would have changed is to make their bodies more curved, not so cut-off.
Cassette tape fabric for the bear, and green and blue 60s floral for the llama.

Today I have been working more on the wool patch quilt and cutting out more denim squares for an upcoming quilt.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Pink quilt

This is an awesome old quilt we got. It is old and coming apart at some seams. I love the combinations of patterns and colors. It does need a new binding at least and maybe someday i will get around to replacing more of it. (Sorry that my photos are not amazing)

Yesterday I got a few hours to work on a wool quilt top I got at a rummage sale forever ago for $2.50. It had random non-matching squares I am trying to recover. The whole quilt is awesome old wool (perhaps Pendleton shirts?) And then there was random magenta, teal, beige courdoroy mixed in. So... i have been hand sewing some patches over the worst offenders. I hope to finish sometime sooner than later and find fabric for the back and make a quilt that actually will fit our bed. So many quilts to do. So little time!

Baby mittens

Baby Mittens! To be more precise, toddler mittens? Forgive me, i will find the pattern and link it here. I figured with all the babies everyone is having, it would be good to have some quick projects to knit up. This is not my favorite yarn color but i decided i could knit a test pair. It was a pretty quick knit and would be a great carry-along project.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Back in the studio!

Finally working in the studio again, despite the heat and craziness of the summer! Trying to make a wearable muslin of the Portrait Blouse by Gertie.
I need to hem the sleeves and bottom and also do the zipper. So far it seems that it will fit me. I had to remember a few things... like drawing my dart lines on the wrong side of the fabric... seems like I would remember that, but I guess it's been a while. I like learning construction details, and I think if I can force myself to pick simple enough patterns to start and make wearable muslins prior to using the perfect fabric, I think I will learn a lot from my mistakes.  

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Busy summer

Well in the last two weekends we've had a funeral and 2 weddings to go to. I had no idea how tired I would be after two weddings (Saturday and Sunday) in the heat and sun. They were both lovely and fancy and I'm so happy for the couples... but it was very Hot!

My garden: Hanging basket to replace dead flowers I forgot to water for several hot days.
 My tomatos are reaching up soooo high. This cherry plant I had to use 3 stakes to try to prop it up.
 We have used some basil from our garden, it just keeps on growing. 2 of my bean plants sort of got pulled up (i assume by the chickens?) But one is climbing the walls, and the other 2 have some small new leaves so they may do something.

 Not much has happened craft-wise but I have made a little progress on the cat embroidery.
 Sorry for the washed out photos. These are vintagey fabrics from my mother-in-law who finds great stuff at yard sales. I think the blue paisley is silk. I have never sewn with silk before so it would be interesting to try. In the bottom photo there is also a textured yellow cotton fabric that has several yards to it so i could practice making a dress or skirt. I have so many Colette patterns I have hoped to do but have not yet worked on. It is so hot in the sewing studio, and frankly we have been to busy with family health issues and weddings we have barely kept up with basic housework and life.
Hopefully some things will slow down a bit and I can make more progress.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Baby Bear Quilt (Finished Object)

I thought I had already posted the final photos of the baby quilt I made for our friends. This was such a fun project! See the previous sneak-peek post for more photos.

Pretty much all of my quilts have had hand-sewn blanket-stitch binding. It does take forever. 

Tablet Cover

These are pretty badly lit photos, but here they are anyway. I made a tablet cover for one of Mike's friends. I had the measurements and tried to find something similar-sized to use to make sure it would fit. I tried it about 3 ways and then finally went back to the same tutorial I used for our laptop case. It is a great tutorial! 
The fabric is black twill, vintage football player lining (also featured in the baby quilt I recently finished). The middle layer is a fleece to add some cushion. I made a pocket and also used green thread for top stitching. I had some wiggly stitches around the opening, it was definitely hard to get such a thick area of the cover through the machine, since the opening was small (compared to a laptop case).
Anyway, the good news is that Mike's friend likes it! (I was planning on doing another one if it didn't fit right, or looked too sloppy.) I was stressed and putting it off and then just powered through on a hot evening in the studio!!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Continuing with Cats...

This cat sampler project is pretty fun. I have been taking it with me to work sometimes to work on my lunch. It also goes with me when we visit my father in law who is in hospice care. I have been trying to figure out the outlines. Sometimes it makes it look more pixelated. I love all the mice and birds. I will have to re-learn how to do French knots for the eyes. 
 Here is a photo of my grandma's hydrangeas. So pretty. She lives at a lake and we had 4th of July there and ate way too much food, including huckleberry cobbler. Yum! 
I thought I would share a previous cross stitch project. It was a pre-printed pattern. I made it for my husband before we were married. I chose the colors (brown, blue, orange, gold) to match this 1970's-ugly ship painting he has. I mean, it's so ugly it's cool.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Finally planting

My parents came over today to help me make a fence around the garden. I am late planting partly because we weren't sure for a while if we were moving. Also, Our housemates have chickens and they like to peck at things. I was originally just planning on putting up some chicken wire, but today it became a little more complicated. We used the lattuce and wood from a scrap pile. We made a functional door with hinges...(so fancy!) I'm so grateful to finally plant and i hope the chickens can't hop over the lower side. I had 3 volunteer tomatos and bought 1 tomato plant, 1 bell pepper, and some basil. Yum!! Can't wait!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Baby Blanket update

                         First, some flowers from my garden. Yay, so nice that they are blooming.

Here is the baby blanket. It is supposed to end up 30x30 in. I have one mistake and some things could be better, but after it is blocked it will probably be awesome! I got a lot of knitting done this weekend at a beach retreat. And the baby quilt shown previously is done, I just need to add my initials. (Which I should have done prior to finishing it...)

Next up: maybe working on the sorbetto? or a denim quilt? I also have a tablet cozy to make too...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Cloth napkins?

I think maybe this is another project to add to the list: Fabric Napkins - so easy and functional. I love projects that use small amounts of fabric because that is usually all that I have. And I have been thinking about cloth napkins. Even if we don't use them all the time, how ever much we do use them would cut down on our paper towel use. And since they would be light weight, they could line-dry easily.

But now, to clean a bit and then iron carefully the fold on the baby quilt binding so I can sew sew sew!!!

Laptop Case (Belated Finished Project) and Clutch

 Here is our laptop case I don't think I fully posted about. I made it with a bottom-weight twill gray fabric that worked really well for the project. This project is based on this tutorial, yay for online tutorials!

I added a pocket on the outside for our cables so we could have it all together. Check out the Red Velcro! The outside pocket fabric is white flannel with pink snowflakes. The inner lining is cassette tape flannel - awesome! of course this case has a few imperfections, but it is awesome and very functional. (And Manly enough for my husband,)

Okay, here is a clutch I was making many months ago from the book : Sew What You Love. My biggest issue I guess is that I didn't realize I was making such a big clutch. It is so big I probably won't use it. But I did learn some construction things and with a better fabric and better sewing perhaps it would be lovely. I think a stiffer fabric that maybe didn't show all the pleats through the top fabric might be good. I was going to attach large snaps instead of the recommended velcro. But now it has been sitting for many months. Maybe I will just attach velcro. Also, just a thought. Maybe if I attached a strap I would like it better? We'll see.
Duck fabric as the lining - Yep.