I made a knitting bag today! I really only have one sewn project bag that my mom made for me. It is pretty small. Good for socks etc. i have been working on my vortex cowl which means 2 balls of yarn. I have been keeping it in a paper bag which keeps ripping as you might imagine. So i made this free pattern by very shannon. www.veryshannon.com/blog/2013/04/free-tutorial-reversible-sock-knitting.html

Here is the lining. I like that you can use scraps. I also added a pocket which may not be super functional, but oh well.

I'm so happy it turned out so well! The outer fabric is a batik I got at fabric depot. I cant wait to make more and already have some fabric cut for the next one but I do not have any interfacing and im not sure how floppy it would be. I bought yarn today for two upcoming sock projects. I will need lots of project bags!
Hopefully tomorrow I will get some curtains finished for our house.