Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Green wallet

I made another wallet! And i took the time to figure out what i had done wrong with the last wallet. 
I may someday take apart my other wallet or perhaps just make a new one for fun! 

Ready to sew together!
Finished wallet! If i had left more space in the center it would fold a little bit better. 
I seem to always get the elastic too tight. Oh well. Tada!!!

This is for my friend, so i will wait to post this for a little while until i give it to her! 

Saturday, July 16, 2016


Tada!!! Socks for my brother in law! 
This is maybe not the best photo of the colors, but here they are!!!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Puppy and projects

I made a puppy! From the book Softies by Therese Laskey. 
It was really fun. If i made it again i would probably machine sew some of it. Also the belly fabric pattern was not really the right size and i had to trim that down. 
It is a birthday present. Fun to use up scraps!

Today i have been cleaning the craft room. I moved my light box and a sewing machine off of my other work table. Hopefully that will help me have more of a workspace to actually work on stuff! 
Currently i have projects laid out. It is so easy for me to start a new project and set other aside. 
(On the table are piles which represent: wallet, kleenex travel pouch, placemats, hexagon quilt pieces, yarn of the month knitting, and the big pile of fabric, some quilt triangles)

I recently got a lot of quilting fabric, smaller pieces and so yesterday i spent a few hours cutting out triangles. 
I think i will go with this arrow design. I am thinking i may frame each block with a border. We'll see! 

Not pictured: A dress i bought that i love but need to alter the shoulders since i am short. And another knitted present... Shh...
I also ordered these awesome labels!! Can't wait for upcoming projects to add these to! 

I recently signed up on Instagram. It is so inspiring to see crafty stuff and you can search quilting photos etc. I am tired of the negativity of Facebook and so far instagram has been fun!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Oh fabric...

Some things I found at the 50% off Salvation Army sale today. 
Awesome fabric book with potential to embroider etc. 
Giant bag of quilt scraps. It's not like i need more fabric. But i do have some quilt plans and this bag had a ton of variety and stuff i liked. So hopefully i can get some projects done! Somewhere i have missplaced my hexagons i had cut a while back. They are about 6 inches across. I think some of this new fabric will be hexagons! 

Currently blocking a knitting project. I also started a new project but am not sure if it is the right project for the yarn... 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Yarn of the month vl. 1

My awesome brother & sister in laws got me a yarn of the month subscription!
I got 2 yarn samples! I decided at least for these 2 to try seed stitch. I may not do all the squares that way but i like the looks of it so far! Good purse knitting! Assuming someday it will be part of a blanket! 
Sneak peek of a present for someone... :)
I need to block it still. Now that project is done I am back on the trusty blue-green