ISo honestly... I have found Instagram to be a great way to post projects and things I'm working on. I still love blogging but find it difficult to do on my phone sometimes even though that's where I'm taking most of my pictures these days.
But here are some photos of recent things.
My mom's printer's drawer that I have always liked. I guess I will be filling it with dusty miniatures...

I have done just a few entries for #sewphotohop. This one was for essential kit. I have never really had a travel sewing kit so I was inspired by the challenge to make one. I recovered a jewelry box with bookbinding paper.

Here is the hat I started working on last night. Quick Ombre Hat by Emily Dormier, a free pattern on Ravelry. My very very very first color work pattern. I have never really tried to do anything like this and it's been really fun even though I know it's a very simple design. Using up my stash as mostly I have small amounts of yarn in different colors. There is probably a way to make the row jump more pretty but oh well! My wrist does hurt so i am contemplating someday buying those compression gloves for crafters.
The colors on this are kind of close... But I wanted to show off the socks I have been making for my dad off and on since January. Navy blue yarn from Black Trillium Fibres with a touch of I think it's Madeline Tosh at the toe. I am so happy they are done and blocking right now. I'm not really sure what else I will be working on coming up but I am trying to think ahead to Christmas and see if there's a project or two I can get started on so that I won't be so rushed right before then. I am feeling like I don't have a lot of money to spend on yarn this year. But I have lots and lots of quilting cotton so maybe I need to sew something for everybody.
OK so with the talk to text feature on, this blog post has taken a very short amount time and hopefully it will inspire me to keep on blogging! Have a good week!